Having all these settled before you start the gym will ensure you do not waste your time, energy and resources.
Are you considering starting your fitness journey?
Have you finally decided to hit the gym? This article explains five things you need to know before you hit the gym.
5 things to know before starting the gym
Starting a gym journey is one thing most people set out to do. However, before you take that step, here are certain things to consider:
1. What is your goal?
Before hitting the gym, you need to have a goal you want to achieve. It is unwise to hit the gym and do lots of random exercises without any goal in mind. Your goal can be to reach a certain weight or muscle building. Whatever it is, having a goal in mind before hitting the gym will help you decide on the particular regimen to follow.
2. You won’t make progress overnight
Another thing to keep in mind before hitting the gym is that you won’t achieve that body goal or make progress overnight. It does not matter how much you want it, actual progress will not happen overnight. It will take time and dedication before you get to see any results. So patience and dedication should be your watchword.
3. Exercise and nutrition go hand-in-hand
Before starting the gym, you need to understand that your diet plays a key role in reaching your desired goal. Not eating is not the best way to lose weight or hit your fitness goal. Instead, healthy diet will help you achieve that goal faster. This is because food acts as the fuel your body needs especially when you are starting the gym.
4. Everyone’s body is different
If you are starting the gym it is best to not compare yourself with others, especially with people on social media. This is because almost everyone’s body is different and what might have worked for someone might take you a longer or shorter time to achieve. So, before you hit the gym, please have this in mind.
5. You need rest days
Before you start the gym, it is important to note that while consistency is key, rest is also paramount. Rest days are necessary for you to strike a balance. Resting helps your body to repair and rebuild. This will help you hit your goals faster. Hence, it is best to have at least one rest day every week.
Rest days are necessary for you to strike a balance [Cutica Health]
In conclusion, having all these settled before you start the gym will ensure you do not waste your time, energy and resources.